Apology quotes

Apology quotes

 I have hurt you ...

I realize, I have hurt you. But the pain and shame that I
am going through is even hurtful. I apologize to you for my immature behavior. Please forgive me.

It was my mistake ...

It was my mistake and I apologize for it. Please forgive me. I am very sorry.

I am deeply hurt ...

I am deeply hurt that I hurt you. I never meant to disappoint you. I am really sorry.

Please forgive me ...

Please forgive me and give me another chance to prove my love for you.

I know that what I have done ...

I know that what I have done is not easy to forgive but you always have been a better person than I am. I pledge to your better part to forgive me.
Apology quotes Apology quotes Reviewed by Unknown on 01:35 Rating: 5

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