Effects of Water Pollution

6 Major Adverse Effects of Water Pollution

Water Pollution 
Some of adverse effects of water pollution are as follows:

Water pollution adversely affects the health and life of man, animals and plants alike. Polluted water is also harmful for agriculture as it adversely affects the crops and the soil fertility. Pollution of sea water damages the oceanic life.

  1. Health Aspects of Water Quality:

Consumption of polluted water is a major cause of ill health in India. Polluted water causes some of the deadly diseases like cholera, dysentery, diarrhoea, tuberculosis, jaundice, etc. About 80 per cent of stomach diseases in India are caused by polluted water.

2. Effect of Organic Pollution on Water Quality:

All organic materials can be broken down or decomposed by microbial and other biological activity (biodegradation). Organic and some of the inorganic compounds exhibit a biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) because oxygen is used in the degradation process.
Oxygen is a basic requirement of almost all aquatic life. Aquatic life is adversely affected if sufficient oxygen is not available in the water. Typical sources of organic pollution are sewage from domestic and animal sources, industrial wastes from food processing, paper mills, tanneries, distilleries, sugar and other agro based industries.

3. Effect of Nutrients on Water Quality:

Water supports aquatic life because of the presence of nutrients in it. Here the primary focus is on fertilizing chemicals such as nitrates and phosphates. Although these are important for plant growth, too much of nutrients encourage the overabundance of plant life and can result in environmental damage called ‘entrophication’.
This can occur at both microscopic level in the form of algae and macroscopic level in the form of aquatic weeds. Nitrates and phosphates are contributed by sewage, agricultural run-off and run-off from un-sewered residential areas.

4. Effect of High Dissolved Solids (TDS) in Water Quality:

Water is the best solvent and can dissolve a large variety of substances which come in its contact. The amount of dissolved solid is a very important consideration in determining its suitability for drinking, irrigation and industrial uses. In general, waters with total dissolved solids of less than 500 mg/litre are most suitable for drinking purposes.
Higher amount of dissolved solids may lead to impairment of physiological processes in human body. Dissolved solid is a very important criteria for irrigation. This is due to the fact dissolved solid accumulates on the ground resulting in salinization of soil.
In this way it renders the agricultural land non-productive. Dissolved solids are harmful for industries also because they form scales, cause foaming in boilers, accelerate corrosion and interfere with the colour and taste of many finished products.

5. Effect of Toxic Pollutants on Water Quality:

Toxic pollutants mainly consist of heavy metals, pesticides and other individual xenobiotic pollutants. The ability of a water body to support aquatic life, as well as its suitability for other uses depends on many trace elements. Some metals e.g., Mn, Zn and Cu present in trace quantity are important for life as they help and regulate many physiological functions of the body. Some metals, however, cause severe toxicological effects on human health and the aquatic ecosystem.

6. Effect of Thermal Discharges on Water Quality:

The discharge of cooling water from industrial and commercial operations generally heats up the aquatic environment. Organisms may become physiologically stress or may even be killed when exposed to heated water. If water heating is supplemented by the summer heat, the impact on aquatic environment can be disastrous.
Thermal pollution also causes a decrease on the driving force or oxygenation which may directly kill aquatic life through asphyxiation. If toxic pollutants are present in the aquatic environment, thermal pollution may increase their toxicity to the aquatic life. Bioavailability of many pollutants may also increase due to thermal pollution, which may ultimately adversely affect the aquatic life.
Effects of Water Pollution Effects of Water Pollution Reviewed by Unknown on 15:27 Rating: 5

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